Church Minshull |
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Looking to the West, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the East of Nanneys Bridge 8.
Les regards portés vers l'Ouest, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Est du Pont n°8 de Nanney.
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the East of Nanneys Bridge 8.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Est du Pont n°8 de Nanney.
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Weaver Aqueduct
Credit private collection of Peter Stockdale.
Pont Canal de la Weaver.
Source: collection privée de Peter Stockdale.
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the West of Bridge 9.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Ouest du Pont n°9.
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Looking to the West, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the West of Bridge 9.
Les regards portés vers l'Ouest, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Ouest du Pont n°9
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the West of Bridge 9.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Ouest du Pont n°9.
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Bridge 9 seen from the West.
Le Pont n°9 vu de l'Ouest. |
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Bridge 10 seen from the West.
Le Pont n°10 vu de l'Ouest. |
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal seen from Bridge 10.
At the bottom, Hoolgrave Bridge 11.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union vu du Pont n°10.
A l'arrière, le Pont n°11 d'Hoolgrave.
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Hoolgrave Bridge 11 seen from the East.
Le Pont n°11 d'Hoolgrave vu de l'Est. |
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Eardswick Bridge 12 seen from the West.
Le Pont n°12 d'Eardswick vu de l'Ouest. |
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Eardswick Bridge 12 seen from the East.
Le Pont n°12 d'Eardswick vu de l'Est. |
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Eardswick Hall Bridge 13 seen from the West.
Le Pont n°13 d'Eardswick Hall vu de l'Ouest. |
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Eardswick Hall Bridge 13 seen from the East.
Le Pont n°13 d'Eardswick Hall vu de l'Est. |
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Looking to the West, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal seen from Eardswick Hall Bridge 13.
Les regards portés vers l'Ouest, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union vu du Pont n°13 d'Eardswick Hall.
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal seen from Eardswick Hall Bridge 13.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union vu du Pont n°13 d'Eardswick Hall.
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Minshull Bridge 14 seen from the West.
Le Pont n°14 de Minshull vu de l'Ouest. |
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Minshull Bridge 14 seen from the East.
Le Pont n°14 de Minshull vu de l'Est. |
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Looking to the West, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal seen from Minshull Bridge 14.
Les regards portés vers l'Ouest, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union vu du Pont n°14 de Minshull.
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal seen from Minshull Bridge 14.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union vu du Pont n°14 de Minshull.
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To the East of Minshull Bridge 14.
A l'Est du Pont n°14 de Minshull.
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Looking to the East, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the East of Minshull Bridge 14.
Les regards portés vers l'Est, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Est du Pont n°14 de Minshull.
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Morris Bridge 15 seen from the West.
At the bottom, Hollingshead Bridge 16.
Le Pont n°15 de Morris vu de l'Ouest.
A l'arrière, le Pont n°16 Hollingshead. |
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Morris Bridge 15 seen from the East.
Le Pont n°15 de Morris vu de l'Est. |
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Looking to the West, the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal to the East of Morris Bridge 15.
Les regards portés vers l'Ouest, la branche de Middlewich du Canal de Shropshire Union A l'Est du Pont n°15 de Morris.
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The Shropshire Union Canal - Middlewich Branch |